Replicator 1 1. The replicated object corresponded to a person. 2. The animal was replicated. 3. The plant was replicated. 4. The computer was replicated. 5. The in-house computer software was replicated. 6. The robot was replicated. 7. The article was replicated when the writer felt tired. 8. The electronic device was replicated. 9. The building was replicated. 10. The planet was repli-terraformed. 11. The merchandise was replicated (manufactured). 12. The medical effect was replicated (needed parts were provided when needed). 13. The effect on the computer was replicated. 14. The exact algorithm or writing needed to be finalised before replication. 15. The replicant replicated more replicants (for example, to increase the population). 16. The person became immortal using replication and vaporisation. 17. The person partially became an android. 18. I replicated what there wasn't time to manufacture. 19. I replicated and vaporised sound equipment before and after an event, respectively. 20. I replicated the element. 21. I replicated the torch to explore at night. 22. I replicated the sun. 23. I replicated equipment to check that people were following safety rules properly. 24. I replicated inspirations for students and programmers. 25. I replicated muscles. 26. I replicated a determiner to visitors to the house and helped simplify a tracked person's pathway. 27. I replicated accommodation, food and water to alleviate poverty. 28. I vaporised the cause of the volcanic eruption. 27. I made and replicated a 3D print-out of a house. 28. I gave myself a facial with replication. 29. I found and removed foreign bodies in my body with replication. 30. I gave myself suction cup treatment with replication. 31. I had a drink in the desert with replication. 32. I tonified my blood with replication. 33. I replicated the messages between members of the office. 34. I purified and cooled the air using replication. 35. I recovered the back-up using replication. 36. I replicated rather than maintained equipment. 37. I used the replicated internet, which replicated signals inter-galactically. 38. I ate replicated food on the space craft. 39. I replicated necessary equipment on the space craft. 40. I replicated the internet in the future. 41. I replicated the friends in the future. 42. I replicated the algorithm without static analysis errors. 43. I typed up the algorithm using replication. 44. I transcribed the talk using replication. 45. I translated the thoughts into famousness (wrote) them by replicating them. 46. I checked for errors and removed them using replication. 47. I debugged the algorithm by replicating it. 48. I replicated the product, customer, their life and income and findable thoughts at each point of the sales funnel. 49. I optimised the algorithm and replicated it. 50. I translated and replicated the text. 51. I wrote the algorithm in another programming language and replicated it. 52. I reduced and found the functional version of the algorithms and replicated them. 53. I replicated the documentation for the algorithms. 54. I replicated the business (employees). 55. I replicated the simulation's workload with computers. 56. I replicated the teleporting space ship. 57. I replicated the robot body part. 58. I replicated the humanness (fine thoughts, and formation of text-to-breasoning support) of the robot. 59. I replicated the acoustic reflector. 60. I replicated the electronic component. 61. I replicated the visor to stop sunlight entering the eye. 62. I replicated space craft with self-correcting paths to stop deviations. 63. I replicated an algorithm to help release the stable version of the algorithm (matches the desired output). 64. I replicated the needed therapy. 65. I vaporised toxins from the body. 66. I removed any unnecessary code using replication. 67. I benefited from the minimum help using replication. 68. I uncommented the line of code to enable the algorithm with replication. 69. I debugged the algorithm as part of the tutorial and replicated it. 70. I replicated the employee when needed. 71. I replicated the script when needed. 72. I replicated customers on the tollway. 73. I made the algorithm easy to modify and replicated it. 74. I replicated the friend to keep the friends together. 75. I replicated the infant under one year. 76. I replicated the whole history on disk. 77. I repli-manufactured items when the people had been paid and enough items were needed. 78. I replicated another product when one was returned. 79. I rigorously tested the replicated product, to perfect the replication process. 80. I used replication to increase returns to surpass expenditure.